Class of 1980 get ready to have some fun! The 35-Year Reunion Weekend is nearly here
There are four reunion events for reconnecting with old friends
Event #1 Kick-off Lunch
- When: Friday, August 7 at 11:30am
- Where: Clinton Hills Country Club, 3700 Old Collinsville Rd, Swansea, IL 62226
- Cost: Determined individually depending on your order
- Please notify Diane if you plan on attending so that she can notify Clinton Hills of our approximate count. However, last minute attendees are welcome without a prior notification.
Event #2 Golf Outing
- When: Friday, August 7. Arrive around 12-12:15pm for a 1:00pm shotgun start
- Where: Clinton Hills Country Club, 3700 Old Collinsville Rd, Swansea, IL 62226
- Cost: $40
- If you haven?t previously notified Larry Cahoon or Kim Tedesco Roff and you plan on playing,
please contact them as soon as possible. However, if you decide at the last minute that you want to play, please just
show up. ALL are welcome!
Event #3 Icebreaker Cocktails
- When: Friday, August 7 at 6:00pm
- Where: Silver Creek Saloon and Grill, 2520 Mascoutah Ave, Belleville, IL 62220
- Cost: Determined individually depending on your order
- No reservation or prior notification necessary. ALL are welcome!
Event #4 Reunion Get Together!!
- When: Saturday, August 8 at 6:30pm
- Where: Shenanigan's Restaurant & Sports Bar, 15 N 64th St, Belleville, IL 62223
- Cost: Determined individually depending on your order
- No cover. Cost will be determined individually depending on your order. Shenanigan?s
will be offering us a special appetizer buffet for $6. The buffet will include items like pizza,
toasted ravioli, chicken wings, etc. If you purchase the buffet you will get a wristband that
clears you for access. Shenanigan?s will also be offering a bucket of beer (approx. 5 glasses) for
- Music to be provided by fellow classmate, Jim Hursey of Sounds Unlimited
- If you have not already accepted the Facebook event invite, please do so ASAP or email John
Bresnahan However, if you decide to attend at the last minute, please just show up. ALL are welcome!
If you have any questions, please contact John Bresnahan at or 678.644.0585
Recently, we were delighted to be able to take three classmates off of the missing
list. Please click on the "Missing" tab and look through the 103 we still haven't been able to locate. If
you know of someone use the "Contact Us" tab or have them visit this site. Your help is needed!
The recent passing of a classmate reminds us all how fragile life is. Please take a
moment to visit the "Memorial" tab to pay your respects to our classmates who have gone on. If a dear classmate
isn't listed, please inform us by using the "Contact Us" tab and that will be updated quickly.
